Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

About CPE

The Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is a training programme started in 2012 by the Asatizah Recognition Board (ARB) to enhance the professionalism and to inculcate a culture of continuous learning and development of asatizah under the Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS). Asatizah are required to attend CPE programmes as a pre-requisite for renewal of ARS accreditation. Muis works closely with partners such as Pergas to offer a wide range of religious content and skill courses to enable asatizah to confidently play their role in building an inclusive nation.



The CPE aims to fulfil the following objectives:



The CPE requirements vary according to the two tiers: 

Islamic Teacher Quranic Teacher
30 CPE credit hours in three years
10 CPE credit hours in three years



The following may be exempted from the CPE requirements:

  • Full-time students in undergraduate or post-graduate Islamic Studies programmes (required to produce letter of acceptance from university);
  • Those aged 65 years and above;
  • Those with long-term medical treatment (with official hospital documentation); or
  • Any other reason deemed fit by the ARB

Asatizah who wish to seek CPE exemption are required to submit the relevant documents to For more information on ARS policies, please click here.


CPE Guidebook

Download the latest version of CPE Guidebook.



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Contact Us

For any enquiries on Continuing Professional Education (CPE):

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For general enquiries, we will reply within 5 working days. For complex enquiries where we need time to conduct further checks and investigation, we ask for your patience and understanding if we take a longer time to respond.