
Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Mr Masagos Zulkifli announced on 5 September 2020 that Muis will inject $1 million in the form of training credits for 4,900 Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS)-certified asatizah.

Each asatizah will be given $200 worth of credits to offset the cost of CPE courses after the SkillsFuture subsidy. Asatizah can use these credits to enroll in courses under the five skill categories that were identified by Muis - Digital Literacy, Technology-Enabled Learning & Delivery, Grit & Resilience, Personal Development and Teamwork and Collaboration. These skills are also found in the Career & Competency Framework (CCF).

The credits expire on 31 December 2021 and the list of courses and dates will be updated every quarter.

Please click here for the Onboarding Guide. The list of courses can be found under 'Courses' tab.

Please refer to the FAQ here for answers related to the Asatizah Training Credits.

Should you need further clarification, you may contact our officer, Siti Mastura, at