This is an intensive certificate course conducted by internationally renowned scholars from various sciences.
Societies around the world are becoming increasingly and conspicuously diverse in terms of the beliefs, cultures, ethnicity, persuasions and religions, as well as the personal and social identities of their peoples. Religions and religious traditions inform beliefs and cultures and are a significant component of a person’s identity. In order to ensure that this diversity engender an appreciation of human ethnicities and varieties, and not lead to societal tensions, religions and beliefs must be taught and practised in a manner that takes into account the need to grow the common space of the different peoples and communities.
There are permanent (thawābit) as well as changing (mutaghayyirāt) elements in religious teachings. In order to further the cause of peace and harmony, the evolving elements must be contextualised, adapting specific doctrines and practices to an increasingly diverse environment through creative yet principled treatment of the traditions. To familiarise Singaporean fresh graduates or undergraduates in the study of Islam with these issues, MUIS Academy and the Studies in Inter-Religious Relations in Plural Societies (SRP) Programme, RSIS, NTU will offer a two-week programme entitled Islamic Thought in Context.
The target audience for the programme are recent graduates and final year undergraduates of Islamic studies from universities in the Middle East, South Asia and Southeast Asia regions.
Qur’an in Context
Hadith in Context
Shari‘ah in Modern Contexts
Diversity and Islam in Modern Singapore
Study of Religion: Theology, Identity, Religious Others
Contemporary Relations of Islam and Politics
Understanding Singapore’s Context