Interactions with Fellow Muslims

  • We are now in the month of Syaaban, a month where we should be planning how we would welcome and spend our time in the blessed month of Ramadan. We will be facing many new experiences this Ramadan. Among the beautiful experiences that await us this Ramadan is the link between the relationship of a servant with his Lord and his relationship with fellow humankind. This cannot be separated and must come hand-in-hand.
  • Thus, we must realise that as a person gets closer to Allah, he will also bring himself closer to others. And the reverse also holds true- as we tighten the bonds with others, we are also bringing ourselves closer to Allah.
  • Scholars of the past have left behind a very valuable treasure of knowledge. Through this heritage, we can see that they were diligent and worked really hard in their ijtihad to offer solutions to complex issues and challenges that faced the community during their time, bearing in mind the environment and situation then. It cannot be denied that in the past, scholars had differences of opinions and spirited debates on issues). However, in facing differences of opinions within Muslims (intra-Faith), what is needed is maturity and not emotions, as well as love and not hatred.