Make Every Step and Breath an Act of Worship to Allah s.w.t.

Acts of worship are not confined to the prayer mat, by secluding ourselves in mosques and offering supplications, or only by observing fast on certain days. Although it is true that the aforementioned acts of worship have many merits – which includes satisfying one's personal spiritual needs – Muslims also have an obligation in this life which supersedes their personal fulfilment. A Muslim is one who spreads mercy and compassion to all: to their families, neighbours, friends, the society they live in, animals, plants, and any creation of Allah s.w.t that he or she interacts with. This is the trait of Ibad al-Rahman; the true servants of God who is The Most Merciful. She walks on this earth and interacts with humankind, animals and all of Allah’s creations, as a source of goodness to all.

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